<!-- The following is an example of how tc:conditional is used as a qualifier to retrieve the involved parties who are claimants. This will retrieve all of the involved records that have the role `Claimant' added.-->
Claimant Information <tc:search link="Involved"><tc:conditional test="Detail[CLIN_CLMT]"><tc:data select="Contact">
First Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" />
Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" />
Social Security #: <tc:data select="SsOrTaxNumberString" />
Driver's License: <tc:data select="DriverLicense" />
Company Name: <tc:data select="Company"><tc:data select="Name" />
Company Address: <tc:data select="DefaultAddress"><tc:data select="Street" /> <tc:data select="City" /> <tc:data select="State" /> <tc:data select="PostalCode" /></tc:data></tc:data>
Business Phone: <tc:loop select="PhoneList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="PhoneString" /> </tc:loop>
Business Email: <tc:loop select="EmailList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=MAIL_BUS1"><tc:data select="EmailString" /></tc:loop>