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The following sample shows the different methods that can be used to automatically retrieve data from object records that are related to the main object (Claim). These samples retrieve data from:

System fields from the main object (Claim) and its related object (Involved Parties)

Sub-objects of the main object (Claim) and its related object (Involved Parties)

Claim Name: <tc:data select="Name" />

Claim Number: <tc:data select="NumberString" />

Insured: <tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /> </tc:data>

Retrieving All Instances of a Sub-object

<!-- The following tags retrieve data from all of the individuals assigned to the claim record. In this case, the tc:loop tag is used because we want to retrieve all of the assignees added to the claim record, not just a specific type of assignee (which would require the qualifier attribute) or one that the user selected (which would require tc:filter to be used instead of tc:loop). -->

Assignee Information <tc:loop select="AssigneeList"> <tc:data select="User"> <tc:data select="Contact">

First and Last Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" />

Phone Number: <tc:data select="DefaultPhone/PhoneString" />

Job Title: <tc:data select="Title" />


Retrieving Specific Type of Related Object with tc:conditional

<!-- The following is an example of how tc:conditional is used as a qualifier to retrieve the involved parties who are claimants. This will retrieve all of the involved records that have the role `Claimant' added.-->

Claimant Information <tc:search link="Involved"><tc:conditional test="Detail[CLIN_CLMT]"><tc:data select="Contact">

First Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" />

Social Security #: <tc:data select="SsOrTaxNumberString" />

Driver's License: <tc:data select="DriverLicense" />

Company Name: <tc:data select="Company"><tc:data select="Name" />

Company Address: <tc:data select="DefaultAddress"><tc:data select="Street" /> <tc:data select="City" /> <tc:data select="State" /> <tc:data select="PostalCode" /></tc:data></tc:data>

Business Phone: <tc:loop select="PhoneList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="PhoneString" /> </tc:loop>

Business Email: <tc:loop select="EmailList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=MAIL_BUS1"><tc:data select="EmailString" /></tc:loop>


Retrieving Specific Type of Related Object Using qualifier

<!-- The following is an example of how the qualifier attribute is used to retrieve involved records that have the default role `Injured Passenger' selected. -->

Injured Information <tc:search link="Involved" qualifier="DefaultCategory_TreePosition=CLIN_CLMT_INPA"><tc:data select="Contact">

First Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" />

Social Security #: <tc:data select="SsOrTaxNumberString" />

Driver's License: <tc:data select="DriverLicense" />

Company Name: <tc:data select="Company"><tc:data select="Name" />

Company Address: <tc:data select="DefaultAddress"><tc:data select="Street" /> <tc:data select="City" /> <tc:data select="State" /> <tc:data select="PostalCode" /></tc:data></tc:data>

Retrieving Specific Types of Sub-objects

<!-- By using the qualifier attribute of tc:loop, we will retrieve the contact record's business phone number(s) and email address(es). -->

Business Phone: <tc:loop select="PhoneList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="PhoneString" /> </tc:loop>

Business Email: <tc:loop select="EmailList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=MAIL_BUS1"><tc:data select="EmailString" /></tc:loop>
