The following is an example of how to nest tags within system fields of data type `Object' to retrieve the necessary information from the main object. In this example, the main object is claim, which is a custom object.
As you will see, to retrieve data from a field of type `Object' you must specify the data that you want to retrieve by nesting the appropriate tags.
Contact-Centric Field |
<!-- The contact-centric field is used to navigate to the contact record. It is not used to retrieve specific data, such as the insured contact's first and last name. Therefore, we nested additional tags to retrieve the first and last name of the insured. --> Contact: <tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data> |
Main Assignee |
<!-- By nesting, we are able to navigate to the contact card of the main assignee to get the main assignee's name and phone number. This example also shows how to use tc:loop to get the business phone number as opposed to the default phone number. --> Main Assignee: <tc:data select="MainAssignee"> First Name: <tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" /> Business Phone Numbers: <tc:loop select="PhoneList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="PhoneString" /></tc:loop> </tc:data></tc:data></tc:data> |
Created By |
Created By: <tc:data select="CreatedBy"><tc:data select="Contact/FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Contact/Name" /></tc:data> |
Current Phase Type |
<!-- By itself, the object attribute CurrentPhaseType would not retrieve the name of the current phase. In order to do that, we needed to first navigate to WObjdPhaseType object to retrieve the actual name of the phase. The same is true for DefaultCategory. --> Current Phase Type: <tc:data select="CurrentPhaseType"><tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data> |
Default Category |
Default Category: <tc:data select="DefaultCategory"><tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data> |
Parent Policy |
<!-- To retrieve information about the parent policy, we used the object attribute Parent to navigate to the parent policy and then nested the appropriate tags to retrieve specific data about the parent policy. --> Parent Information: <tc:data select="Parent"> Name: <tc:data select="Name" /> Number: <tc:data select="NumberString" /> Main Assignee Info: <tc:data select="MainAssignee"><tc:data select="User/Contact/FirstName" /><tc:data select="User/Contact/Name" /></tc:data> Assignees: <tc:loop select="AssigneeList"><tc:data select="User/Contact/FirstName" /> <tc:data select="User/Contact/Name" /> <tc:data select="Type/Name" /></tc:loop> </tc:data> |