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After mapping and generating a document template, you must ensure that it is retrieving data correctly by generating test documents.

Note: Make sure that you have the appropriate rights, as listed in Required TeamConnect User Group Rights.

Successful Document Generation Checklist

Use the following checklist when testing your generated document:

Make sure that you have adequate test data to use. For example, if the same contact records or data values are used repeatedly, or if values are missing, it may be difficult to distinguish whether data is being retrieved from the correct fields.

Make sure that the document generation process prompts you for all user input, related object selections, and sub-object selections.

View the generated document and make sure that there are no unpopulated merge fields.

Make sure that all of the merge fields retrieve data from the correct sources (for example, user input and TeamConnect data). No merge field is skipped unless there is no data to retrieve from the specified source.

If the template contains any if@ merge fields, make sure that the content inside the if@ merge fields is being generated only when the condition is met, and not when the condition is NOT met.

If the template contains any filter@ merge fields, make sure that they are retrieving data from all related records selected by the user.

If the template contains any loop@ merge fields, make sure that they are retrieving data from all of the correct related or sub-objects.

For more troubleshooting assistance, see About Document Generator and Troubleshooting Document Templates.