Document Generator is a tool that automatically generates customized letters and other documents from XML templates. You may design these documents according to your organization's needs and requirements.
Your TeamConnect users may have the need to write various types of documents on a frequent basis. For example, in the insurance industry, correspondence such as a claim notification needs to be sent whenever an insured client is involved in an automobile accident. Most likely, the same letter always needs to be sent, with certain information in the letter being entered specific to the client.
For another example, information such as addresses, involved parties, and possible violations of the law are different for each client. Instead of having to manually type the same document each time a client is involved in an accident, a user can create customized letters from a template located in TeamConnect's Documents area.
To become a proficient document template designer, you need to invest some time in learning and understanding how the tool works and what it needs in order to generate a letter.