1.Create a merge field with the following merge field name: @Detail[categoryTreePosition]/customFieldName
where categoryTreePosition is the tree position of the category to which the custom field belongs, and customFieldName is the name (not the label) of the custom field.
2.If the custom field is of type Involved, and you want to retrieve an attribute of the Involved's contact record, you can append a colon (:) and the name of the attribute, as described in the Predefined Merge Field Codes table. For example, if InvolvedOCAttorney is a custom field of type Involved where an involved OC attorney is identified:
3.If the custom field is of type Custom Object, and you want to retrieve an attribute of the Custom Object record such as the name or number, you can append a period (.) and the name of the attribute. For example, if Litigation is a custom field of type Custom Object where a Litigation is identified:
4.If the custom field belongs to a related object of the main record for which the document template is created, nest the merge field within filter@ or loop@ merge fields. Otherwise, it does not need to be nested. If you followed these steps correctly, the custom field is mapped automatically when you open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool in TeamConnect. See Locating the Data Mapping Tool for more information.
Tip: If you prefer not to map the custom field automatically, try mapping it manually in the Data Mapping tool, as described in Custom Field Mapping.