1.Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool. 2.Select the merge field that you want to map to a custom field from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
3.Click the Object Navigator icon . The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.
For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
4.Select detailList-> and click traverse. The list of categories for the object appears.
5.Select the category to which the custom field belongs. 6.Click traverse. The list of custom fields for the selected category appears.
7.Select the name of the custom field. 8.If the custom field is of type Involved or Custom Object, click traverse and select the attribute that you want to use in the document (such as the project numberString). 9.Click ok. The Object Navigator closes and the selected path appears in the Object Navigator field. One or more additional fields appear, which provide formatting options for the type of the custom field (such as date or number formatting options).
10.Select the appropriate formatting as you want it to appear in the generated document. 11.Click add more. The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.