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The following table provides a list of merge field codes that automatically map to certain values, mostly having to do with assignees. These predefined codes make it easy to quickly map merge fields to assignees' contact information. This technique can also be used for custom fields of type Involved, as described in Automatically Mapped Custom Fields.

Note: The technique behind the merge field codes for people is that the colon (:) is replacing the or .contact.

Predefined Merge Field Codes

Object record type

System field

Predefined merge field code

Any record type (matters, tasks, involved parties, and so on)

Current date

Note: The date will be formatted using the format specified in System Settings. If you want to use a different format, do not automap the date.


First name and last name of current user from his/her contact record



Name of user who created the record




Task assignee's first name and last name

Note: These merge fields can be used inside of filter@ or loop@ merge fields that identify task records



Any project (such as Matters)

Main assignee's name information from contact record






Main assignee's contact ID


Main assignee's default address from contact record





Main assignee's default email address


Main assignee's default phone


Main assignee's default fax


Main assignee's default Internet address


Main assignee's default rate


Main assignee's Social Security number or Tax ID
