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The inputForm tag lets you display multiple entry fields within one input page (see the multi-entry field example image for example). This task is accomplished by nesting tc:input tags within a tc:inputForm tag. You can nest multiple tc:input tags as needed. Each tc:input tag can use any of the attributes described in the tc:input attributes in Header Section table.

tc:inputForm attributes in Header Section

Tag attribute

Attribute value




Specify a name that uniquely identifies the input page you are creating.

Within the tc:inputForm tag, you must nest each tc:input tag.

In the content section, the value for the select attribute of the corresponding tc:input tag must be the name attributes of both the tc:inputForm and tc:input in the header section, separated by a period (.).



Enter a label that will display instructions for the user within the input page.

Let's see how the tc:inputForm tag and its attributes were used in the content and header sections in order to create the input page shown in the single simple text field example image. Each tc:input tag is nested within the tc:inputForm tag. Notice that the select attribute value in the content section contains the name attribute value of both the tc:inputForm and tc:input tags in the header section, separated by a period (.).


<tc:inputForm name="UserInput" label="Enter the following information">

<tc:input name="UserInitials" label="Initials" size="3" maxChars="3" />

<tc:input name="LetterDate" label="Date letter will be sent" size="15" />



<tc:input select="UserInput.UserInitials" />

<tc:input select="UserInput.LetterDate" />

Example: Document Generator - Input Page - Multi-Entry Field

Example: Document Generator - Input Page - Multi-Entry Field