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You must create a filter page to allow Document Generator users to select one or more records containing additional information not available in the current object record. The tc:filter Tag Attributes table shows the result in the end-user interface.

Example: Document Generator - Filter Page

Example: Document Generator - Filter Page

To create a filter page, use the tc:filter tag in the header section of the document template as follows:

In the header section, the tc:filter tag is used to identify an object record from which the Document Generator should retrieve data.

Each tc:filter tag that you use in the content section must reference a filter that is defined in the header section.

tc:filter Tag Attributes

The tag attributes noted in the following table are the basic tags you need to create any type of filter page.

In addition to these tag attributes, all tc:filter tags in your header must use at least one other tag attribute to identify an object or sub-object.

tc:filter Tag Attributes


Tag attribute

Possible attribute value





Specify a name that uniquely identifies the filter. A name that indicates which object the filter points to is helpful.


This attribute value must exactly match the select="" attribute value of the corresponding tc:filter tag you entered in the content section.

You can either define the filter first or write the content section first and define the filter later, but you must use the same name of the filter in both places.

Using spaces in the name of the filter is not recommended.



"yes" or "no"

Indicate whether the filter should be displayed to the user as a filter page, or applied automatically in the background. By default, hidden="no".

When hidden="yes", you must provide the attribute list="yes" in the content section of the template where this filter is referenced. For details, see tc:filter.




Enter a label that appears as instructions for the user within the filter page.




Specify how the selections appears for the user within the filter page. Multiple data items must be separated by semicolons (;).

For example, displayString="Contact/FirstName;Contact/Name;DefaultCategory/Name"

Note: You can only include system fields in the displayString. Custom fields cannot be included.



"* * - *"

Specify the format of the information displayed by the displayString by typing an asterisk (*) for each data item, and typing any other desired characters, such as hyphens and spaces.

Each data item retrieved by the displayString attribute must be represented by an asterisk (*) in the displayFormat attribute.



"yes" or "no"

Type multi="yes" to allow users to select multiple items simultaneously from within the filter page.

By default, only one item may be selected. You do not have to type multi="no" to allow only one selection in the filter page.

Caution: Do not use multi="yes" when referencing the filter as a main filter. For details, see Main Filters and Sub-Filters.

Each attribute with an asterisk (*) is required


searchCondition identifies a related object. For details, see Filters for Related Objects.


(used with searchCondition)


test identifies a sub-object or a single object record selected in a system field. For details, see Filters for Sub-objects and Single Records.


entity identifies an object that is not related to the main object. For details, see Filters for Non-Related Objects.


(used with entity)



usedBy and objectFrom allow an object identified in one filter to be based on the object identified in another filter. This is a way of navigating to the object record that you want the user to select by using filter pages. For details, see Main Filters and Sub-Filters.

