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When you want a filter page to identify an object that is directly related to either the main object or to an object identified by another filter, use the searchCondition tag attribute of tc:filter. This tag attribute is used to provide the user with a list of related objects.

The tag attributes for identifying related objects are described in the following table. Use these tag attributes in combination with the basic tag attributes in The tc:filter Tag Attributes table.

searchCondition Tag Attribute of tc:filter

Tag attribute

Possible attribute value




Type the name of the related object for which you want to define a filter. Type name of the object as follows:







Project (for child custom objects and embedded objects only)

Note: You must include the qualifier attribute, if you are defining a filter page to retrieve child objects.



This tag attribute is required when you are defining a filter page for a child custom object, child account, or an embedded object.

This attribute value identifies the child object using the following values:

Path of the object attribute that uniquely identifies the child or embedded object, which is Application_ProjObjectDefinition_UniqueCode.

Unique code of the child or embedded object, which can be copied from the Object Definition List in the user interface.

Let's see how the tc:filter tag and its attributes were used in the content and header sections in order to create the filter page shown in the tc:filter Tag Attributes table. In this example, the tc:filter tag is defining a filter page where the user selects a record belonging to the Involved object, which is a related object of the main object Claim.

Notice how the select attribute value in the content section below exactly matches the name attribute value in the header section.


<tc:filter name="InvolvedParty" searchCondition="Involved" hidden="no" label="Please select Claimant" displayString="Contact/FirstName;Contact/Name;DefaultCategory/Name" displayFormat="* * - *" />


<tc:filter select="InvolvedParty">

<tc:data select="Contact/FirstName" />

<tc:data select="Contact/Name" />


You may need to create a filter page where the user selects a child custom object of the main object. In the following example, the filter allows the user to select a child Claim record belonging to a Policy record (the main object). In the header, the qualifier tag attribute of tc:filter specifies which child object of the Policy object that the filter page must display.


<tc:filter name="SelectedClaim" searchCondition="Project" qualifier="Application_ProjObjectDefinition_UniqueCode=CLAM" label="Select the appropriate claim" displayString="Name;NumberString" displayFormat="* - *" />


<tc:filter select="SelectedClaim">

<tc:data select="NumberString" />

<tc:data select="Name" />


For more examples of how searchCondition can be used, see Main Filters and Sub-Filters. Also, see Document Template Samples.