If you have already created billing Time Periods from the Create Next Fiscal Budget tool, you can skip this procedure. The Generate Time Periods section allows quick creation of multiple Time Periods. The Time Periods section allows creation of individual Time Periods and overriding the default Available Hours calculation.
1.From the Main menu, click the Go to drop-down list and select Time Entry Settings. 2.Click the Time Entry Settings link. 3.Click Edit. 4.Select the Time Periods tab. 5.To create multiple Time Periods quickly, from the Generate Time Periods section, click the Calendar icon for Start Date and select a date. Click the Calendar icon for End Date and select a date. If the date range spans multiple time periods, then multiple time periods will be created. For example, if the time period is monthly and the start date is
06/01/2007 and the end date is 08/31/2007, then three time periods will be created.
a.Click Generate. b.Click Save (for the Time Entry Setting Record). It is recommended to create Time Periods from the Generate Time Periods section because the Time Entry Tool Available Hours will be automatically calculated based on the Billable Hours Per Day * (billable) Days in the Time Period.
6.To create individual Time Periods, from the Time Periods section, click New. a.Click the Calendar icon for End Date and select a date. b.Click the Calendar icon for Start Date and select a date. c.Type a number in Total Billable Hours (sets the Available Hours in the Time Entry Tool). d.Click Save. Note: The default naming convention for new Time Periods is "Start Date"-"End Date". For example, 06/01/2007 - 06/30/07.