Members of the Legal Administrator group can set up designated timekeepers. For example, if Ralph and Tim are timekeepers, Tim can be designated with the ability to enter Ralph's time entries in the Time Entry Tool.
1.From the Main menu, click the Go to drop-down list and select Time Entry Settings. 2.Click the Time Entry Settings link. 3.Click Edit. 4.Select the Designated Timekeepers tab. 5.From the Number of entries you would like to add: drop-down list, select the number of timekeepers for which you want to delegate time entry actions. 6.From the Timekeeper drop-down list, select the timekeeper to delegate time entry actions for. For example, if you would like Tim to be able to enter Ralph's time entries, select Ralph. 7.From the Designated Timekeeper drop-down list, select one or more timekeeper delegates. The maximum number of designated timekeepers for a single Timekeeper is 3. For example, if you would like Susan, Tim, and George to be able to enter Ralph's time entries, select Susan. Click the CTRL key and select Tim. Click the CTRL key and select George.
8.Click ok for new timekeeper-delegates rows. 9.Click Save (for the Time Entry Setting record). |