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The following utility class files perform the corresponding function:

ConstantsSYS.class—Holds the system constants in TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management. Stores tree positions, custom field names, wizard parameter names, etc.

TCLAccountUtilitySYS.class—Provides alternatives to the standard TeamConnect Enterprise account-processing methods. Holds transaction, deposit, and withdrawal methods that provide alternatives to the standard TeamConnect Enterprise account-processing API.

Caution: To avoid account-processing errors, you should carefully plan any modifications to the functionality contained in the TCLAccountUtilitySYS.class file.

TCLBudgetUtilitySYS.class—Holds the budget constants and utilities in TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management.

TCLFacadeSYS.class—Stores many utility methods used by TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management.

TCLParameterTokenizerSYS.class—Holds lists of parameters that are created during execution. This class provides methods to generate and parse one long string that holds all the parameter data. This class file uses a corresponding JavaScript file called TCLParameterTokenizerSYS.js.

TCLSecurityUtilitySYS.class—Stores security- and access-management-related utility methods.