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This section explains the file naming conventions for the Java class, XML, and JavaScript files that are shipped with TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management. These conventions provide clues as to the function of the files. This section explains the file naming conventions so that you can identify files that you may want to copy, rename, and then modify to suit your business needs.

The files delivered with TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management all use the SYS suffix. In order to distinguish the files that were shipped with the product from files that have been customized, solution developers must not simply modify the delivered files, but should at least change the SYS suffix to another string--for example, IMP.

Caution: If you modify any files that are delivered with TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management, you must not use same file names. Instead, copy and rename the files.

Solution developers can create their own naming patterns. However, Mitratech recommends that they follow the general file naming conventions so that the function of the corresponding Java class, XML, and JavaScript files will be implied by their file names.