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Important: Mitratech recommends that the shipped design files remain untouched.

When customizing TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management, you should follow these general guidelines:

If you modify any files that are delivered with TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management, you must not use the same file names. Instead, copy and rename the files. This will help distinguish between problems with the modifications and problems in the delivered product.

A Java developer should make any necessary modifications to copies of TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management's Java class files.

Renaming TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management components usually will not cause problems, but you should not change their tree positions because many rules and wizards depend on them.

Hiding or deactivating a component is preferable to deleting it. For example, rather than delete unneeded blocks, remove them from the object view.

Before deleting a component, determine whether any class files, XML files, rules, or wizards depend on it so that you can make corresponding modifications to the dependent components. You can search the source code for the unique key of the item to determine whether any class file rules or wizards depend on the item.

You must have access to the Java source code to be able to search for such text strings.