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TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management file names can include some, but not necessarily all, of the following components in the following order:


The parts of the filename are delimited with capital letters. For example, the file CommonWzMatterPopulateCategoriesQSYS.class has the following parts:

Common—The Common prefix indicates that this file contains a super class that is inherited by more than one object.

Wz—The Wz component indicates that this file is used by a wizard.

MatterPopulateCategories—This descriptive string indicates that the file is used to populate categories for matter records.

Q—The Q indicates that this file acts as a qualifier.

SYS—The SYS indicates that the file was delivered with TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management and was not developed during or after implementation.

.class—Indicates a Java file.


The following filename prefixes are used with the SYS files:

Common—Indicates that the file contains a super class that is inherited by more than one object.

TCL—Indicates that the file contains utilities used by various class files.

For example, TCLActionHandlerSYS.class contains an action handler utility used by other class files.


The following filename components are used with the SYS files:

Cjb—Indicates that the file contains a custom Java block (CJB).

Rule—Indicates that the file is used by a rule. This also indicates that the file is not associated with a wizard.

Wz—Indicates that the file is used by a wizard.

WzCjb—Indicates that the file is a CJB for a wizard page.

For example, RuleTCreateBudgetCASYS.class is used by a rule for creating budgets upon the creation of a Transaction record, but the file is not directly associated with a wizard.

Matter Object

The following letters indicate the matter object to which the SYS files apply:

AC—Advice & Counsel



For example, RuleTUpdateBudgetUASYS.class contains a rule for the Transaction object that updates a budget upon the Update action.


The description is usually an intuitive string that indicates the file's functionality. For example, the string may be as simple as Budget or include a description of a qualifier, such as IsNoFirmsSelectedAndFirmsListEmpty. If the string is prefixed by Matter, the qualifier or action affects more than one matter object.

The following acronyms appear in the descriptive string of some filenames:

AC—Advice & Counsel

IP—Intellectual Property

OC—Outside Counsel

OP—Opposing Party

For example, WzTValidateFieldsQSYS.class contains qualifiers used by the Transaction object's New Transaction wizard to validate fields.


The following acronyms indicate triggers or qualifiers in the SYS files:

A—Action (most likely for a wizard action)

CA—Performs an action on Create

CUA—Performs an action on Create or Update

DA—Performs an action on Delete


AQ—A qualifier for an Approval rule

UA—Performs an action on Update

For example, CommonWzOutsideCounselBudgetASYS.class contains a common wizard action for the creation of outside counsel budgets.

Note: A file that does not have a prefix in its filename or a trigger/qualifier before the SYS suffix is probably a user interface design XML file that does not use Java. For example, the LawsuitDetailsSYS.xml file is not prefixed by Common or TCL and does not have an A or Q before SYS.