You add qualifiers to the Qualifier page of a rule and the General page of a condition. All qualifiers return a Boolean to determine whether the qualifier conditions are true or false.
When qualifiers are automated, they use Java files to create the qualifier. Automated qualifiers for rules define whether the associated action executes; the action executes if the qualifier is true. Automated qualifiers for conditions define whether the condition is true.
After you create an automated qualifier, upload the file to the Automated Qualifiers folder in the appropriate object definition. For more details, see Uploading Rule Component Files.
You create an automated qualifier when you cannot create the qualifier through the user interface. Create an automated qualifier in the following situations:
•You need access to more methods than those methods available through the TeamConnect object model.
For example, a rule may require that an action executes if a project has a related involved party record with a specific role. Because projects have no one-to-many relationship with involved parties, creating this rule requires an API method to return the list of the associated involved party records.
For a sample in Java, see Checking Category List in Related Records.
•You need to use Boolean operators, such as NOT, XOR, NOR, XNOR.
For more automated qualifier samples, see Automated Qualifiers.
Page transition rules are similar to the TeamConnect rule types in the Rule Types table, especially validation rules. They determine the sequence of the wizard pages by performing actions based on conditions met in the qualifier. Along with values of the main object, automated qualifiers in page transition rules may use wizard parameters and values from related objects and sub-objects defined in the templates associated with the wizard.
You cannot customize actions in page transition rules because they have a predefined transition to a specific page in the wizard. All page transition rules also have the same predefined trigger, which you do not need to define. The trigger is the transition between pages that occurs when you click the next button on the wizard page for the rule.
For example, if the wizard identifies a claimant, a page transition rule may use the provided information to search the database for the contact. If the system finds a matching contact, the wizard goes to the page that verifies the available contact information. If not, the wizard goes to the page that collects the contact information for a new contact record.