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To include API rule components in TeamConnect, you must upload the corresponding Java, JavaScript, or XML rule component files to the TeamConnect Documents area. There are three major folders in the Documents area for such files:

Top Level/System/Custom Rules—Upload only supporting Java files that are shared between more than one object definition. These files are not available in the Qualifiers or Actions tab of the Rule screen in the object definitions, nor in the Page Actions tab in wizard screens. These files may be only referenced by the files uploaded to the object definitions' Rules folder.

Top Level/System/Object Definitions/objectDefinitionName/Rules—In each object definition, the Rules folder has three subfolders:

oAutomated Actions—Upload your files for automated actions for custom action rules and wizard page actions here.

oAutomated Qualifiers—Upload your files automated qualifiers for regular rules and wizard page transition rules here.

The Automated Actions and Automated Qualifiers folders are the two locations that you will most frequently use to upload your files.

Top Level/System/Libraries—Allows you to deploy JAR files outside of the TeamConnect.war file or the WEB-INF/lib folder, which has the advantage of not requiring you to restart TeamConnect. This folder may be used for more than rule files.

Top Level/System/StartUp—Allows you to deploy class files that must be executed when TeamConnect starts. This may be useful for installation scripts, to initialize TeamConnect using custom code, and to check consistency in the application for the session. For more details, see Defining Start Up Classes.

Important: It is a good idea to limit access to the StartUp folder to prevent the addition of malicious code.

Ways of Accessing Rule Folders

You may either upload all your files to the respective object definitions before you start defining rules, or you may upload each component file during the definition process of each rule. Aside from your personal preference, this often depends on the way you choose to access the rule folders.

There are two ways of accessing the Automated Actions and Automated Qualifiers folders where you will typically upload your files:

From the Documents area by selecting Documents in the Go to menu in Designer and then navigating to the necessary object definition folder.

Directly from the Qualifiers or Actions tabs in the Rule screen by clicking the hyperlink that takes you to the appropriate Automated Actions or Automated Qualifiers folder of the displayed object definition. For example, see the hyperlink in the following image.

Rule Screen - Actions Tab

Rule Screen - Actions Tab

This ensures that the files are uploaded to the correct folder, as you do not have to manually navigate to it in the Documents screen.

Uploading Techniques

Depending on the display version of the Documents screen, which may be either HTML or Applet, you may use one of the following ways to upload a file:

Manually, by using the Upload File Documents_Button_Upload button on the toolbar.

You may do this in either version of the screen.

By dragging and dropping the file(s) from any location on your machine.

You may do this only in the Applet version of the screen.

For more specific details on the size you can upload a document in TeamConnect, see Managing Documents.