Document Security Default Settings
•Replace rights on subfolders—The default setting for the Replace rights on subfolders setting on the Security page of a record. If this setting has a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, its subfolders and files also receive the same rights. Without a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, the rights of its subfolders and files do not change. If you add a folder or file to a folder with this setting, the folder or file does not update with the folder's rights. To receive security updates, the folder or file must be in the folder when the rights change.
•Replace rights on existing files—The default setting for the Replace rights on existing files setting on the Security page of a record. If this setting has a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, its files also receive the same rights. Without a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, the rights of its files do not change. If you add a file to a folder with this setting, the file does not update with those rights. To receive security updates, the file must be in the folder when the rights change.
Document Settings
•Enable Document Version Control—To enable access to previous Document versions, select the check-box. For more information, see Document Version Control.
•Enable WebDAV—To enable use of the WebDAV protocol to view the TeamConnect Documents area folders from Internet Explorer, select the check-box. To restrict the TeamConnect Documents area folders viewing to the TeamConnect web application, clear the check-box.
For more information, see Network File Systems for Documents (WebDAV).
•Maximum size of uploaded file (megabytes)—Defines the maximum size of documents that can be uploaded to TeamConnect. The default is 50 MB and the minimum value allowed is 1 MB. Note: The size of the documents that users can add also depends on the amount of memory that is currently allocated to the application server. Users may have difficulty adding documents if your allocated memory is low.