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Page transition rules allow you to specify alternative flows in response to user input and other qualifiers, so the wizard displays the appropriate pages to the user. Otherwise, all pages follow each other in the order specified on the wizard's Pages tab.

Page transition rules are similar to TeamConnect rules located on the Rules tab of an object definition screen. However, page transition rules are wizard-specific, so you may only create and access them from the Page Transition tab of the corresponding wizard screen.

Page transition rules have the following tabs:

General—General information about the rule, including its name, whether it is active, and its trigger. The rule's Type field has the value Wizard Page Transition, which cannot be changed.

Qualifier—Allows you to define the qualifier that must be met in order for the rule to take effect. Wizard parameters may serve as qualifier items.

Action—Allows you define which page comes next, if a specified condition exists.

When the user clicks next, page transition rules display the appropriate page based on the specified conditions. Like validation rules, they may check the values entered in certain fields, check who the user is, and so on.

Wizard parameters that you add on the Page Components tab of the wizard screen become available on the Qualifier tab of the page transition rule screen. That way, user entries in the wizard may be used as qualifiers in the rule.

Points To Remember

Keep in mind the following important information about page transition rules:

Page transition rules are executed on a per-page basis—that is, when the user clicks next in the wizard, not on Create when the user clicks finish.

The Action tab of a page transition rule allows you to specify the page to which the wizard must direct the user, if the conditions on the Qualifier tab is verified.

When a user clicks next in a wizard page for which a rule is defined, page transition rules are executed on a per-page basis according to the Order numbers you assign to each rule.

Page transition rules are wizard-specific and may be created and accessed only from the Wizard screen of the object for which the wizard is created, not from the object's Rules tab.

To direct a user to a specific page depending on the rights of their user group, check the current user in the page transition rule. The Current User option is available from the Left Argument drop-down list on the Qualifiers tab.

You may add wizard parameters as page transition qualifiers on the Qualifier tab. Select them from the Left Argument drop-down list. Parameters are also available when you select Attribute from the Right Argument list.

Example: Left Argument Drop-down List

Example: Left Argument Drop-down List

Page Transition Rule Example

Assume there are five pages in a wizard regarding view obstructions that a claimant and insured might have had. The user must provide the following information in each subsequent page depending on the answers:

Page Transition Rule Example

Page #

Wizard question

Field type

Wizard page component

Page transition


Did the Insured have any view obstructions?

Yes or No

Radio buttons


If yes, go to Page 2.

If no, go to Page 3.


Indicate the view Obstructions that the Insured had.



Go to Page 3.


Did the Claimant have any view obstructions?

Yes or No

Radio buttons


If yes, go to Page 4.

If no and yes on Page 1, go to Page 5.

If no and no on Page 1, go to Page 6.


Indicate the view Obstructions that the Claimant had.



Go to Page 5.


Provide a summary of the view obstructions that the Insured and Claimant had.

Memo Text

Custom Field

Go to Page 6.


Did the Insured receive any citations?

Yes or No

Radio buttons



For example, to create a rule to skip to Page 6 from Page 3 when neither Insured nor Claimant had any view obstructions, you have to do the following actions:

1.On the Qualifier tab of the rule, you must specify the following conditions:

a.Select Parameter1 in the Left Argument drop-down list and set it equal to No.

b.Select Parameter2 in the Left Argument drop-down list and set it equal to No.

2.On the Action tab of the rule, you must select Page 6.