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When you add stops to a route, records visit each stop by default. If you want a record to visit stops when certain conditions are present, you can customize the route.

Select Custom Sequence on the Stops tab of a route to enter the custom sequence. The following table describes the fields for entering a custom sequence.

Custom Sequence Entries

Column Name

Description of Fields

How Fields Work

Starting Stop

Specifies where the route starts or the last stop that just occurred. You can select the following fields:

Start—To indicate the condition that a route evaluates at the beginning of the workflow process.

Stops in route—To indicate the condition that a route evaluates after the specified stop is complete.

If more than one entry has the same field in the first column, the route evaluates the first of those entries. The route continues to each entry with the same field under Starting Stop until a condition is true. If no conditions are true, the workflow process ends.

Note: When a workflow process ends, the action that put the record into workflow occurs.


Specifies the conditions available for the record type of the route. You can select the following fields:

Default—To indicate that a route does not have to evaluate a condition before visiting the Destination Stop.

Condition name—To indicate the condition that must be true for the route to visit the Destination Stop.

When evaluating a condition, the route visits the Destination Stop for the conditions that are true.

See Conditional Expressions for more information about conditions.

Destination Stop

Specifies the stop that the route visits if the condition is true. You can select the following fields:

Stops in route—To indicate the stop the route visits if the condition is true.

End—To indicate that the workflow process ends if the condition is true.

For each entry, the Destination Stop number must come after the Starting Stop number.

In the following image, consider an example of how the route evaluates each entry for a record. In this example, the record visits only Stop 2 and Stop 4 before completing. Invoice Condition3 and Invoice Condition4 are true for the record and all other conditions are false.

Customization Sequence for a Route

Customization Sequence for a Route


The following actions occur for the example:

1.From the first entry with Start as the Starting Stop (line 1), the route evaluates Invoice Condition1. Because Invoice Condition1 is not true, the route continues to the next Start entry (line 3).

2.From the second entry with Start as the Starting Stop (line 3), the route evaluates Invoice Condition3. Because Invoice Condition3 is true, the route visits Stop 2.

Note: Even though Invoice Condition4 is true, the route does not evaluate the condition because the previous Start entry is true.

3.After Stop 2 is complete, from the first Stop 2 entry (line 2), the route evaluates Invoice Condition2. Because Invoice Condition2 is not true, the route continues to the next Stop 2 entry (line 5).

4.The second Stop 2 entry (line 5) lists Default as the Condition, which means that the route visits Stop 4 without evaluating a condition.

5.After Stop 4 is complete, from the only Stop 4 entry (line 6), the route evaluates Invoice Condition5. Even though Invoice Condition5 is not true, the workflow process still ends and can no longer send requests to approvers because no more entries with Stop 4 exist in the Starting Stop column.