When the qualifier for an audit rule is met, details about the operation that triggered the rule are automatically logged in a history record. Audit rules are designed to capture information about events, but you may define what is captured and how it is displayed.
The Action tab of an audit rule allows you to specify:
•A location for the history records.
•The description of the event.
•A category and custom fields to separate information about the event.
The first thing to consider when you want to audit an event is the target location to create the history record. For example, you may select a contact record as the target location to record a contact name every time it is updated. When the rule is triggered, an audit history record is created, and afterwards, you may view the contact record's History tab to track the events.
Next, you need to define the description for the event to be recorded. This description populates the Description field of the history record that is created when the rule is triggered. There is already a default description, depending on the triggering event; however, you may customize your own using a batch screen, if you need more specific information.
Finally, you may separate details about the event into specific custom fields for reporting purposes. To accomplish this, you must select a History category and populate its custom fields. When the rule is triggered, in addition to the Description field's contents, the custom fields that you defined are populated for the appropriate category on the Details block of history records.
1.Open the Action tab of the audit rule. For a description of the fields on an audit rule's Action tab, see the Action Tab on Audit Rule Screens table.
2.From the Location drop-down list, select a target where the history record will be created when the audit rule is triggered. 3.Define a description for the triggering event to populate the Description field of the history record. 4.(Optional) From the Category drop-down list, select a History category and define its custom fields to capture event details. 5.Click Save to save the settings as part of the audit rule. |
The following images show the Action tab of an audit rule screen. The action settings for the rule in this image creates a history record in the affected matter record with a custom description that states, for example, "The main assignee was changed from Jake Ashby to Larry Finch." It will also populate a custom field called "Previous Assignee" in the Audit category on the Details block of the history record.

Action Tab on Audit Rule Screens
The following table describes the items on the Action tab.
Select the target location for storing the history record that is created when the audit rule is triggered.
Depending on the object that you are defining, this drop-down list may include some or all of the following options:
•Current record—For example, if you select Matter, a related history record will be created in the affected Matter record. •Object definition—For example, if you select Matter Object Definition, a history record will be created in the Matter custom object definition. •Parent project or projects—For example, if you select a Claim's parent project, Policy, a related history record will be created in the policy record. •System—If you select this item, the history record will be created in an area reserved for the TeamConnect System user. You may access history records assigned to this location on the History tab of the System Settings screen. |
Use default description (i.e. "Matter record has been updated")
Select this option if you want TeamConnect to insert a default description of the event that triggers the audit rule in the history record's Description field.
The default description combines the object type, record name, and triggering event to form a description such as "Matter Simmons vs. Acme Auto Rental has been updated."
Use description defined below
Select this option if you want TeamConnect to insert a custom description of the event that triggers the audit rule in the history record's Description field.
This is the default option, and you must use the associated batch screen to define a custom description.
For more information on whether you need a default description or a custom description, see Audit Default Description.
Item Type
Select an item from this list to build the description for the history record.
Depending on the option that you select in this field, different settings appear for the Item Value:
•Object Attribute—Select this option to define an object attribute. •Literal—Select this option to manually enter a text value. •Line Break—Select this option to insert a carriage return in the text description. •Character Space—Select this option to insert a space between items in the text description. |
Item Value
Define a value to build the description for the history record.
•For object attributes, select Current Object or Current User, click the Navigator icon to open Object Navigator, and then select an attribute. For details, see Using Object Navigator. •For literals, enter a custom message in the text field. |
Old Value or New Value
Select Old Value or New Value for the attribute.
This drop-down list only appears if the Item Type is an object attribute. The old value refers to the attribute's value in the TeamConnect database before the record is changed and updated by an action. The new value refers to the attribute's value after the record has been updated and saved.
Tip: This may be useful in building the history record's description by capturing information that might not exist in the record after it is modified and saved.
Enter an integer to indicate the Order of the item you defined to place it correctly within the entire description statement.
Item List
Displays the items that are already added to be used in the custom description.
Select the check-box of an item and click edit or delete to make changes.
Select a category from this list to be automatically added to the history record.
This list shows all the categories available in the History object definition.
Make sure that you have created descriptive categories in the History object definition and defined custom fields within these categories that you plan to populate with the audit rule. For details, see Configuring History Object Definition for Audit Tracking.
If you do not select a different category, the Root category is automatically used.
After you select a category, you may use the Field Label and Field Value fields to define the content that will populate the category's custom fields.
Field Label
Select the label of the custom field that you want to use in the history record.
This drop-down list contains the labels for the custom fields in the History object definition. The values available in this list depend on the History category selected in the Category field.
These field labels appear on the Details block of the history record that is created when the rule is triggered.
This field is not available for the User and Group object definitions.
Field Value
Select Current Object or Current User, click the Navigator icon to open Object Navigator, and then select an attribute to populate the field that is identified in Field Label. For details, see Using Object Navigator.
You must select whether you want the field to be populated with the Old Value or New Value.
Make sure you have defined any necessary custom fields for the category you want to use in the History object definition.
Make sure to match the field type to the attribute type, such as matching a date field to an object attribute that stores a date value.
This field is not available for the User and Group object definitions.