The default description (the value that TeamConnect puts into the "Text" field of an audit history record) is fairly detailed. In most cases, you do not need to override the default description with your own description.
In the case of Update triggers, the description includes changes for not only the fields of the main object, but also changes for some sub-objects. In addition to the sub-objects specifically named in the table below, every category assigned to an object is also considered a sub-object, for purposes of audit history logging.
Objects and their Sub-objects
Main Object |
Sub-objects |
Account |
(none) |
Appointment |
Attendee Resource |
Contact |
Address Fax Internet Address Phone Rate Skill Territory |
Document |
(none) |
Expense |
(none) |
History |
(none) |
Invoice |
(none) |
Task |
Assignee |
Custom Object |
Assignee Embedded Custom Object |
Involved |
(none) |
Embedded Custom Object |
(none) |