If you choose "use default description" in the Actions tab of an Audit rule, TeamConnect autopopulates the "Text" field in the audit history record. The way in which "Text" is autopopulated differs depending on the nature of the trigger.
For example, the text differs depending on whether an object is being created, updated, or deleted. Here is an example of the "Text" field in an audit history record that is triggered by an Update of a Project object:
[When the action was completed the following information was changed in Matter 'test']
•Amount was '10,000' and was changed to '15,000'
•Transaction Date was '01/01/05' and was changed to '01/02/06'
•Quantity was '25' and was changed to '50'
The default description for an update contains an entry for each field that changed during the update (three fields in this example). However, if you choose a trigger other than "Update", you may not get as much information.
For example, the Account object allows you to define an audit rule that uses the "Withdraw" trigger. The resulting audit history record tells you that a withdrawal took place, but does not specify the actual amount of the withdrawal, whereas an audit history record based on the "Update" trigger would show the change in amount.
You must decide how much detail is required and choose whether one trigger is sufficient or whether you need to associate both triggers with the rule. Here is a more complete syntax for how TeamConnect constructs the default description for an Update trigger:
[When the action was completed the following information was changed in <Record>]
- <Field> was <Old Value> and was changed to <New Value> [For non memo text fields]
- <Field> was changed [For memo text fields]
[List of the changed, added or removed sub-objects and their associated events and fields in separate lines. Note that if there is no change in sub-objects, nothing goes here.]
[A new <Sub-object> was added]
[An existing <Sub-object> was deleted]
[An existing <Sub-object> was updated]
[List of all modified sub-object fields]