You may select a template folder to have its contents automatically added to the Documents tab of each record that is created based on the template. The folder itself is not copied, but any of the following content types may be:
•Subfolders and their contents
•Files, such as Word documents
•Shortcuts to other folders and documents
You may create the appropriate folder structure for the object's templates in the following folder in TeamConnect's Documents area:
Top Level/System/Object Definitions/objectName/Template Folders/
objectName is the name of your template's object definition.
For example, if you create the Negotiations/Offers folders within Template Folders, the Negotiations folder becomes available on the General tab of your template.
Each dispute record that is created based on the template has an Offers folder on its Documents tab that contains any files in the Offers folder, such as the OfferLetter.doc file. The Negotiations folder is not copied to the record.