The Records tab provides a left pane with a directory-tree structure of custom fields, sub-objects, and related objects and a right pane where you may define items in the selected folder.
Depending on the selected folder in the left pane, you may create subfolders for multiple definitions. For example, templates may create multiple involved party records with different categories, if you define multiple subfolders.
Custom Object Records Tab Example
For custom objects, the left pane of the Records tab resembles the tree structure of the object definition list that you access in Designer. Every embedded or related child object displayed in the object definition list is available in the Records tab. In addition, any applicable sub-objects have folders, such as Assignees, Involved, Relations, Attendee, and so on.
When you open an object's folder, you must enter a name in its Friendly Name field before you may define any of its values. TeamConnect creates a subfolder with the name you enter, in which it creates a General subfolder.