1.Open the Notifications tab of the appropriate system or custom object definition. 2.Select the desired notification template from the one of the following drop-down menu options: oSet as an assignee—The notification that users receive when assigned to a record or task. oWorkflow approval request—The notification that users receive when assigned as the approver of a request. oWorkflow approval notice—The notification that users who complete an action that created an approval request receive when another user approves the request. oWorkflow rejection notice—The notification that users who complete an action that created an approval request receive when another user rejects the request. oWorkflow review request—The notification that users receive when assigned as a reviewer of a request. oWorkflow expiration notice—The notification that approvers receive to remind them that an approval request is about to expire. oWorkflow review completion notice—The notification that users receive when a review they requested is complete. oSet as an attendee—The notification that users receive when added as an attendee to an appointment. 3.Click Save. |