Depending on the type of attribute you select using Object Navigator, you can apply various display formatting options. For example, if you want the value of an attribute of type String to be displayed in upper or lowercase in each object record name, you select the appropriate format.
You can specify the following attribute format types in naming patterns:
The following table describes the formatting options. For each of the object attribute types, two Format data entry fields appear.
Note: If you decide to select no formatting for the attributes, the default settings are used instead as indicated in the table.
Attribute type
Format option
True value
Enter true or false values in the appropriate data entry fields for Boolean values, which are most commonly displayed as check-boxes or choice buttons.
For example, if "isRegistered" custom field is the selected Boolean attribute, you may want to enter "Yes" for the true value and "No" for the false value.
Default Value: False.
False value
Select month, day, and year format for the date attribute.
Default Format: The settings selected on the Preferences tab of the System Settings screen.
Select the symbol you would like to act as a separator between the month, day, and year of the date attribute.
Default Format: The settings selected on the Preferences tab of the System Settings screen.
Select the format for the number attribute.
The display of the numbers is based on the locale. For example, in Europe the number 1.234,56 has a period (.) as a grouping symbol and a comma (,) as the decimal point. In the United States, the number 1,234.56 has a comma (,) as a grouping symbol and a period (.) as a decimal point.
Default Format: The US standard, where the comma is a grouping symbol.
Decimal Places
Select the number of digits you would like to appear after the decimal point of the number attribute.
Default Format: The settings at the time when the attribute value was saved in the database.
Select either UPPERCASE or lowercase to format the string attribute accordingly.
Default Format: The settings at the time when the attribute value was saved in the database.
If you want to abbreviate a string, select the desired abbreviation option. Whichever option you select, a blank data entry field appears for you to enter an integer. Depending on the option, the integer you enter specifies the following information:
•When First X Characters is selected—the integer specifies the first number of characters from the beginning of the string. For example, if the string attribute consists of a contact name, such as Smith, John, and integer is 3, the string will be formatted as SMI.
•When Acronym is selected—the integer you enter specifies the first number of characters from each word in the string. For example, if the string attribute consists of a contact name, such as Smith, John, and integer is 3, the string will be formatted as SMIJOH.
Note: If an integer greater than the number of characters in the string is entered, all of the characters will be included in the abbreviation.