System loggers categorize messages in the code according to the area of TeamConnect that generates them, so that you can specify which area's messages you want to capture in a particular log. You can define multiple logs that capture messages from different TeamConnect components or all TeamConnect components.
For each log that you have defined, you can specify an overall threshold for what severity of messages you want written to it, so that the logs contain only the most pertinent information. For more details about the threshold for a log (or appender), see the General Appender Information for System Loggers table.
For each available TeamConnect component, you can specify what severity (level) of messages you want written to the logs regarding this component, so that the logs contain only the most pertinent information about the component.
The loggers that are available for system logging are listed on the System tab of the Logging screen, as shown in the System Loggers and Detailed System Loggers images.
All of the system loggers have Root as their parent logger. This hierarchy allows appenders defined for the Root logger to be available to descendant loggers. For example, this means that the Default appender, which has been defined for the Root logger, receives logging statements from all of the loggers in the hierarchy.
Tip: Because the Default appender captures messages from all loggers in the system, you do not need to define another appender for the Root logger.
You can define an appender to be the target of a single logger in the hierarchy. This appender only receives logging statements from the logger for which it is defined. For example, if you need a text file that logs events for the batch display component, you define an appender for the Batch Display Component logger.
The following image shows the System Loggers section of the Logging screen:
System Loggers
The following table describes the System Loggers section of the Logging screen:
The following image shows the Detailed System Loggers section of the Logging screen:
Detailed System Loggers
The following table describes the Detailed System Loggers section of the Logging screen: