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Appenders are definitions of logs. They are classified according to the type of output they generate and whether they are defined for system or audit logging.

Although many features of appenders and loggers are configured in Designer, there are some features that are controlled by the Admin tab in the main TeamConnect user interface. These Admin features include:

Turning loggers on and off

Selecting the severity levels that generate log entries

When the TeamConnect application starts running, all logs defined by active appenders start to log generated messages. When you define a new appender or make changes to an existing appender, the changes take effect the next time you restart TeamConnect on the application server. When you delete an appender, the log continues to be generated until you restart TeamConnect.

You can define the following types of appenders which generate logs in corresponding output formats:

File Appenders—Define logs that capture messages in a text file as they are generated by the system.

SMTP Appenders—Define logs to be sent by email when a log event and when a severity of Error or higher is logged to a buffer.

Socket Appenders—Define logs that transmit logger messages to a port on a remote host.

If you need a system log that only logs messages for a certain area of TeamConnect, such as custom blocks, you can associate the appender with the corresponding logger. For more details, see Loggers.