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The XML Worksheet Tool executes Extensible Markup Language (XML) requests that can perform functions such as inserting, updating, and deleting data in TeamConnect. This can be useful in cases where you need to create a large number of records for testing performance or search functionality, or to populate a fresh instance of TeamConnect with "stock" data.

XML Worksheet Code Format

The XML code used in XML Worksheet Tool requires several sections that must be organized in the following order:

Request—XML document wrapper.

Authentication—The TeamConnect username and password of an account that has the proper rights to perform the operation defined in the XML code.

One or more records with the following components and their respective attributes:

oEntity and Operation—Entities correspond to System Object definitions with special case for Custom Object Definitions. Operations are used to insert, delete, or update records.

oElements—These represent System or Custom Fields. System Field tags are generally their labels. Custom Field tags are their field names.

In TeamConnect, tags represent fields that have corresponding methods in the API. All System Objects and their system fields can be accessed with XML. Custom Objects and their fields can also be accessed with XML.

Sample XML Worksheet Code

The following XML code sample will create a contact of type Person named "John Doe" in TeamConnect. The sample contains all the sections described in XML Worksheet Code Format.






<Contact op="insert">




<Alias>Test Contact</Alias>

