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As an example of the contact screen, you might set the Duplicate Contact Manager settings screen as follows:

Activate Duplicate Matching is selected.

Allow users to override is selected.

Enter the number of duplicate results you would like to display is set to 5.

Duplicate Matching Settings Interface

Duplicate Matching Settings Interface

In this example, the user may try to create a contact (type company) with the following field data:

Company Name - Omnivision Private Investigators

Postal Code - 90032

Default Phone Number - 323-555-0770

In the same way as explained previously, when the user clicks Save, a message appears showing possible duplicates that have been found:

Possible Duplicate Contacts Found Message Example 2

Possible Duplicate Contacts Found Message Example 2

Notice that the duplicates differ slightly from each other. In some cases, the Duplicate Contact Manager found duplications in company name and phone number. In others, it found duplications in company name and postal code. Both kinds of cases were specified in the Manager, so duplicates of both kinds are reported.

In this situation, the user may take one of the following actions:

Override the duplicate contact check by selecting the Allow contact to be saved check-box and clicking Save. This option is only displayed if you selected the Allow users to override check-box on the Duplicate Contact Manager Settings screen.

Click an existing contact link to verify that the contact is actually unique.