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Most Designer user interface elements are self-explanatory. However, some procedures require knowledge of TeamConnect itself.

For example, you may define patterns to automatically name records, such as the date on which the record was created, the record's default category, and the name of the main involved party. To create such patterns, you must identify the location of these attributes within TeamConnect's object model (see the various Object Model appendices for details). Thus you would require Object Model knowledge for this task.

The Designer user interface has the following types of screens:

Record Screens—Most Designer configuration screens include tabs and a toolbar. For example, object definition screens include tabs where you can create and define the corresponding components, such as the Templates and Wizards tabs of the Account object.

Unlike the end-user interface, the Designer user interface does not have the Read-only display mode. Most fields in the screens are editable at all times.

Batch Screens—Many configuration screens include batch screens, which have a row of data entry fields for entering multiple items at the same time. For example, the Lookup Tables screen allows you to enter the names and tree positions of dozens of lookup table items at the same time.

Using Object Navigator—A user interface tool for defining paths to attributes in the object model. See Using Object Navigator and Object Model: Read This First provides information about the objects, attributes and relationships in TeamConnect's object model that you can use to create your custom designs. This reference points you to additional reference tables that provide more information about object models.

While developing your design, you are testing it in the end-user interface as well. You may also need to use that interface to create and define users and groups, access rights, system settings, and so on.