The Data Warehouse enhancements in this guide are available for 3.4SP1, 4.x, and 5.0 TeamConnect Enterprise users. However, each version has its own respective Data Warehouse version.
oData Warehouse 4.1 is for TCE 4.x users
oData Warehouse 3.5 is for TCE 3.4SP1 users
oData Warehouse 5.0 is for TCE 5.0 users
The only direct upgrade path to version 4.1 is from Data Warehouse version 4.0. If you have a version of Data Warehouse earlier than 4.0, you have must remove your existing Data Warehouse (see Removing the Data Warehouse), then recreate it using the instructions in the New Installations section of the Data Warehouse guide.
Important: Data Warehouse should not be upgraded until TeamConnect is already at your desired version. Ensure that the TeamConnect version is correct before proceeding.
To upgrade from version 4.0, from the installation media, open directory TeamConnect_DataWarehouse and copy the contents to a target directory on your hard drive. (For purposes of this documentation, we will presume that your target directory is named datawarehouse and it is a subdirectory of your hard drive's root directory.)
1.Ensure that file contains the correct connection information for your Data Warehouse database. Details about connection properties are found in step 3 on New Installations.
2.Modify shared.xml and, as described in step 3 on New Installations. Then return to this procedural.
3.For SQL Server and NTLM authentication only, add two new attributes to each affected connection element in file shared.xml. See the highlighted text in the example below. This example deals with the source database connection, but NTLM can be used on source and/or target database connections.
For DOMAIN_NAME, substitute the actual Windows domain name that will be doing the authentication.
4. Run the upgrade scripts for your version and operating system (.bat for Windows users and .sh for Linux users).
Important: After each upgrade script, you must run the installer. Run the correct WH_install.bat or file depending upon your operating system. These files are in the datawarehouse target directory. |
The respective paths are as follows: |
a.Data Warehouse 4.0:
Run WH_upgrade_40U1.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_402.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_41.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_50.bat or
Run Installer
b.Data Warehouse 4.0 Update 1:
Run WH_upgrade_402.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_41.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_50.bat or
Run Installer
c.Data Warehouse 4.0 Update 2:
Run WH_upgrade_41.bat or
Run Installer
Run WH_upgrade_50.bat or
Run Installer