Every time the ETL Refresh job runs, it adds information about to the AUDIT_TBL database table. A row is appended for each main entity: User, Group, Contact, Project, Involved, Account, Appointment, Document, Expense, History, Invoice and Task. An entry contains these columns:
•ENTITY: The name of the entity. •RUN_NUMBER: An incremental integer assigned to each job, starting at 1. •TC_TABLE: The TeamConnect database table that is is the primary data source for the transformation. •DW_TABLE: The corresponding warehouse target table populated from the source table. •TC_COUNT_UPDATE: The number of source records collected for this refresh that were updated in TeamConnect since the last refresh. These records will be updated in the warehouse. •TC_COUNT_NEW: The number of source records that were new in TeamConnect. These records will be added to the warehouse target. •TC_COUNT_DELETED. The number of source records that were deleted from TeamConnect. These records will be deleted from the warehouse target. The deleted count is obtained from the WH_REMOVED_RECORDS table. •TC_DELTA. The net increase or decrease in the number of source records, calculated as TC_COUNT_NEW minus TC_COUNT_DELETED. •DW_COUNT_BEFORE: The count of target records in the warehouse at the start of the refresh job. •DW_COUNT_AFTER: The count of target records in the warehouse at the conclusion of the refresh job. •DW_DELTA: The net increase or decrease in the number of target records, calculated as DW_COUNT_AFTER minus TC_COUNT_BEFORE. •TC_DW_DIFF: The difference (discrepancy) between the net change in the number of TeamConnect records and the net change in the number of warehouse records (TC_DELTA minus DW_DELTA). •ENTITY_START. The time that the Refresh job began collecting and populating the entity. •ENTITY_COMPLETE. The time that the Refresh job finished collecting and populating the entity. •RUN_TIME_MINUTES. The number of elapsed minutes for the entity to populate (ENTITY_COMPLETE minus ENTITY_START).
The refresh audit table will grow over time. The application does not delete or overwrite old records. If you wish, you may safely delete records from the table when the refresh job is not running.