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The following items are known TeamConnect Data Warehouse 5.0 issues and limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:


A description of the issue

A workaround, if available

Internal tracking code



Issue: Updating/inserting documents in a large database is very slow.

Workaround: None.

Tracking code: DWE-2484


Issue: Deleting a large number of contact records is slow.

Workaround: None.

Tracking code: DWE-2460


Issue: Records with timestamps equal to maximum modifiedOn timestamp are not included in initial load.

Workaround: Run a Refresh job following initial load to add these records.

Tracking code: DWE-2226


Issue: Initial load fails or is terminated if interrupted during the Workflow entity.

Workaround: Edit the WH_LAST_REFRESH table and set the IS_INITIAL_COMPLETE field to zero for all fields. Initial load will then run from the beginning. This action must also be completed if user wants to re-run initial load after successful completion.

Tracking code: DWE-1670


Issue: Overall audit count is inaccurate if record is created and then deleted between refreshes.

Tracking code: DWE-2303

Workaround: The overall audit count will correct itself after the next refresh.  This will purge the record from the WH_REMOVED table that is causing the discrepancy.


Issue: Refresh audit count is inaccurate if record is created and then deleted between refreshes.

Tracking code: DWE-2083

Workaround: The overall audit count will correct itself after the next refresh.  This will purge the record from the WH_REMOVED table that is causing the discrepancy.


  Issue: Some commit sizes are static, don't obey the Kettle properties COMMIT_SIZE variable.

    Workaround: None.  Some commit sizes are fixed by Pentaho and cannot be changed.

    Tracking code: DWE-2492


Issue: All warehouse components are not deleted by removal script.

Workaround: Manually delete from the database. Deleting is optional. This does not affect the ability to reinstall the application.

Tracking code: DWE-2426


Issue: Installation creates database tables not needed by the app (staging, temp).

Workaround: Manually delete from the database. Deleting is optional. This does not affect the ETL jobs.

Tracking code: DWE-2501