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Important: Upgrading from version 4.0 is supported.

Installation of Data Warehouse creates the Data Warehouse target database schema and makes a few schema changes to the source database.

Note: Installation is primarily concerned with schema changes and does not populate the target database with data, except for tables WH_CATEGORIES and WH_CURRENCIES. For more information about these two tables, see How the ETL Job Works. Data for all other Data Warehouse tables are populated in the separate task Refreshing the Data Warehouse.

The following tools are used for Data Warehouse:

Pentaho—Enterprise reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining, and workflow application with ETL capabilities for business intelligence needs. For details, see:

Spoon—A GUI application that provides the design of transformations and jobs which can be run with other Kettle tools such as Pan (transformations) and Kitchen (jobs).

Prior to installing Pentaho tools and configuring Data Warehouse, it is recommended that you shut down TeamConnect.

Note: TeamConnect Data Warehouse does not support customization of its scripts, functionality, or target database schema.