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Custom screens extend the CustomBlock class and are made up of custom blocks. Any block that is not part of the original functionality of TeamConnect is a custom block. Wizard custom blocks are  a type of custom block that you create for wizards.

The following diagram illustrates how custom screens work in the API.


Refer to the code sample for an example of a custom screen.

Wizard Custom Screens

As shown in the previous diagram, the WizardCustomBlock class extends the CustomBlock class when you are creating a screen for a wizard. As a result, any custom block can be a wizard custom block. However, you cannot use a wizard custom block for a custom screen because wizard blocks may contain wizard parameters.

You can use wizard parameters in two ways:

To pass data from one page to another.

When you add a wizard parameter to pass data, the parameter does not automatically appear in the wizard block.

To add a wizard parameter, use the Parameters object method for adding the specific type of parameter. For example, the following code adds text and boolean parameters.

getParameters().addTextParameter("text", "Text", "default value");

getParameters().addBooleanParameter("action boolean", "action boolean", false);

After you add the parameter to the code, you can refer to it on any other wizard page by the String name of the parameter. Retrieve the parameter using the get method for the parameter type. In the case of the previous two parameters, use the following code to retrieve the parameters.


getParameters().getBooleanParameterValue("action boolean");

To display a parameter field on a wizard custom screen.

To add a parameter to the wizard screen, you must define it on the Page Components page in the Setup. From the XML file, you can use the tc:WizardParameter tag to display the parameter on the wizard custom screen.