You create conditions from the Conditions tab of a object definition.
1.From the Conditions tab for an object definition, click New. 2.Enter information about the condition. See the General Tab of a Condition table for a description of each field. 3.Click Save. Note: Click the Delete button of an open condition to delete it.
1.From the condition, click Create a Copy. 2.Change the Name and the Unique Key of the condition. 3.Click Save. |
Field or Column
The name of the condition. The name you enter is also the name that appears in any drop-down list of conditions.
Unique Key
The unique name of the condition.
Additional information about the condition.
Expression Type
•Automated Qualifier—Select this option to add a Java class or JavaScript file as an expression for the condition. •User Expression—Select this option to add an expression with TeamConnect fields to the condition. |
Expression (when Automated Qualifier is selected)
A drop-down list with Java class and JavaScript files that you can select for this condition. Click the Automated Qualifiers Folder link to open the folder with Java classes and JavaScript files.
For examples of when to create automated qualifier, see When to Create Automated Qualifiers.
Expression (when User Expression is selected)
The following fields appear:
•Left Argument—Select the path you want to create for the condition. oSelect Current Object if you want to use a field in TeamConnect as the qualifier, for example Current Phase. oSelect Current User if you want to compare the identity of each user with a field that identifies a user. Click the icon to open the Object Navigator and select the path to the field.
 Left Argument
•Operator—Select the appropriate way to connect the right and left arguments. See the Operator Fields for Creating Expressions table for more information about operators.  Operator
•Right Argument—Select the attribute or literal value that you want to compare to the attribute that you selected for the left argument. See the Rule Qualifier Right Argument Options table for more descriptions of each field.  Right Argument
add more
Click this button to add the expression to the condition.
Expressions table
This table lists all the expressions that you have added to the condition. Place a check-mark in the check-box of an expression and click edit to edit the expression. Place a check-mark in one or more check-boxes and click delete to delete the expression(s).
Condition is true when
Select one of these options to determine which expression in the condition must be met:
•All of the above expressions are met (AND logic)—Select this option for all expressions to apply to the condition. •Any of the above expressions are met (OR logic)—Select this option for one of the expressions to apply to the condition. •The following expressions of the above conditions is met—Enter a formula for the combination of expressions. Use the number of the expression to refer to the expression. See Points To Remember for information about how to create this combination. Click View Qualifier to display the qualifier logic visually. |