The table in the lower portion of the Monitor shows which scheduled actions have run and which are pending. You can take several actions by using this table and its adjacent buttons. Here are the elements of the table:
Field or column
Next Run Time
All actions have a next run time, except startup actions and actions that have been deactivated.
If something prevents an action from running at the scheduled time - for example, if TeamConnect itself has an outage - this time will remain unchanged.
This is an optional, user-friendly name that describes the action.
This is the actual file that will be run when the action runs.
Record and Rule
Many scheduled actions are the result of a scheduled-action rule running against a specific record. In this case, the name of the record appears here as a hyperlink. Clicking the name will open the record. The name of the scheduled-action rule also appears here.
Indicates the time interval in which the action is scheduled to repeat. If it is a one-time action, this field contains none.
For repeating actions, describes the condition under which the repetitions will end. See "Repeat" in the Scheduled Actions Monitor table for details.
Previous Run Time
Shows the last date/time this action was run, and duration of the run. If an action failed during its last run, a failure message is shown here. For one-time actions, this field will always be empty.
Inactive for actions that have been deactivated. Running for actions that are currently running. Otherwise, the Run Now button appears.
Clicking the Run Now button causes the action to run immediately. Such a run does not count towards the number of repetitions before the end, if a number had been configured for this action.