Create a new scheduled action by entering values in the fields at the top of the page, then clicking Add. The new scheduled action is in active status and will run at the time you specified.
The following table describes these fields.
Field or column
Enter a name that describes the action.
If this action will execute only once, keep the default value of None in this drop-down list. If this action will be executed repeatedly, choose the time interval from the list of choices.
Specify the period of time between rule action repetitions after the initial execution after the rule has been triggered. Additional options will appear depending on the selection in the Repeat drop-down list.
•Hours and Minutes—The scheduled action will repeat after the specified number of Hours and Minutes have passed. •Daily—The scheduled action will repeat every day. Select the Weekdays only check-box to set the rule action to be repeated only from Monday through Friday. •Weekly—The scheduled action will repeat every week. Use the Day drop-down list to select on which day of the week the action will be repeated. •Monthly—The scheduled action will repeat every month. Use the Day of the Month drop-down list to select on which day of the month the action will be repeated, from 1 to 31, or Last for the last day of the month. •Yearly—The scheduled action will repeat every year. Use the Day and Month drop-down lists to select on which month and day of the year the action will be repeated. |
Specify when the scheduled action repetitions will stop.
•No End Date—The scheduled action will repeat indefinitely until the rule is deleted or inactivated. This is the default option. •After—The scheduled action will execute for the specified number of repetitions. •Until—The scheduled action will repeat until the specified date. |
This drop-down list contains all the executable actions that have been uploaded to the Top Level / System / Scheduled Actions folder in Documents. Choose which action (usually a Java class file) should be associated with the new scheduled action that you are creating. The link View Scheduled Actions Folder opens this folder in Documents so that you can work with its contents, if necessary.
Start Date and Start Time
These two fields specify the first time that the new scheduled action should be run. For actions that are repeated, this time becomes the basis for all the future repetition intervals. If you enter a date and time that are in the past, and this is not a repeating action, an error message is shown.
Important: Actions that are scheduled to repeat monthly on the 29th, 30th, or 31st day of the month will not occur in months that do not have those dates. To avoid this issue, use the Last option for the last day of the month.