The following procedural outlines how to integrate a new Sharepoint DMS connection to your TeamConnect instance. Users will be able to add their credentials, set up the connection, and test the connection by the conclusion of this article.
TeamConnect does allow clients to add other document management systems (including proprietary systems). For more information on these configurations, please see Setting Up a Custom DMS.
The TeamConnect DMS Connector provides reliable, consistent tracking of documents so that users can easily search for documents in both TeamConnect and their DMS. Users are also able to track the most recent user to make adjustments to a given document. Users can use copy-paste to move documents between DMSes but cannot 'move' documents between DMSes.
Furthermore, through the properties files located in Top Level > System > Integrations, administrators can designate the fields that will be available within the Integration Manager and ensure that these integrations are available for document management.
Note: DMS Best Practices include making sure that records are designated to a single DMS. Having documents from different DMSes under the same record could increase the risk of errors.
1. Ensure that all users who need to select a DMS have rights to Documents.
2. Name the document library/root folder. These names must start with an alphanumeric character (no spaces, special characters, etc.).