Inserts or creates a document record (file).
Depending on the type of document you want to create, use one of the following requests:
•For document files, use the insertDocument request with an input parameter (data object of type documentCreate) that defines the properties of the document to create.
•For shortcuts, use createShortcut with input parameters that define which existing document to create a shortcut to (documentUniqueKey) and the target folder location for the shortcut (parentFolderUniqueKey).
•For subfolders, use createSubFolder with input parameters that define the new folder's name (name) and the target folder location for the shortcut (parentUniqueKey).
Separate requests are provided for creating shortcuts and subfolders.
insertDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentCreate |
Data object |
The following table lists properties from the documentCreate data object that must be populated in order to upload a document file. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a document, using the documentUpdate data object.
documentCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The name of the document. For example, the file name. |
contentTypeUnique Key |
string |
The file format. The following values can be entered: •Adobe Acrobat •Audio(aiff) •Audio(wav) •Binary or bin •Data Mapping File •Gif •HTM •HTML •Image(jpg) •Image(pcx) •Image(tiff) •JAR File •JSP •JavaClass •JavaScriptCode •Microsoft Access •Microsoft Excel •Microsoft Power Point •Microsoft Word •Quicktime Video •Rich Text Format •Standard Email •Text •Video(mpg) •XML •Zip |
content |
base64Binary |
The binary content of a file. |
type |
documentType |
See documentType for more information. |
parentFolderUnique Key |
string |
The unique key of the document folder that this file will be located in. |
insertDocument Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created document record. |
documentCreate for more information about the properties you can set for a document