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This chapter provides a reference for the TeamConnect Web Service repositories, their request methods, parameters, and return values. Summary information is also provided for the data objects or record property containers typically specified as request parameters.

Data Object Summary Tables

This guide does not include detailed property descriptions for data objects (containers for record property values). Most of these properties and their data restrictions are documented in the Customization guide, Object Model Reference section. In the API Reference Summary section of this chapter, table summaries listing the data objects typically used within a repository's requests or returned from the server are provided. Those table summaries include references to the corresponding Object Model Reference object names.

To locate more detailed descriptions of a TeamConnect Web Service data object's property, find the corresponding Object Model Reference object name. Search for that Object Model Reference object name in the Customization guide or TeamConnect Designer area help. From the description of each Object Model Reference object, you can typically match the TeamConnect Web Service data object property name directly to the attribute name for the Object Model Reference object (although exceptions may exist).

Note: For example, if you were interested in learning more information about the property, name, for the Web Service data object, account, then you would search the Customization help/guide for the Object Model Reference attribute table, "TAccount" and within the resulting help/guide section, look for the Attribute, name, and its related Comments.

There are a set of data objects used to set search criteria. Each of these data objects can generally be used to search multiple record types so they are listed separately from the repository summary tables. See Data Objects Used in Search Criteria for more information.

System Lookup Table Items

There are a set of data objects that you use to populate a record (repository) property value(s) using existing items from TeamConnect system lookup tables. These data objects (classes) are subclasses of the lookupItem abstract class.

To add a system lookup table item to populate a record property, use the method, setStoredValue (String storedValue), where the storedValue should be the TeamConnect system lookup table item's Tree Position value. Note that the system lookup table item should already be defined in TeamConnect before you can use the item with Web Services.

For an example, Code Snippet for creating a contact of type person and populating a property from a system lookup table.