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Use this repository to work with involved party records or contacts who are involved in a project (matter).

InvolvedRepository Requests Summary




Deletes an involved party record.


Inserts or creates an involved party record (associated with a project/matter).


Reads and returns an involved record. Specified involved properties are returned with the record.


Searches for involved party records that meet a given search criteria. Specified involved party properties are returned with the resulting records.


Reads and returns a list of involved party records given the unique id of an associated project (matter). Specified involved properties are returned with the record.


Updates an involved record. Properties that can be updated include categories and custom field values. Existing property values can be cleared.

InvolvedRepository Data Objects Summary

Data Object


1 involved

2 involvedCreate

3 involvedUpdate

1 Involved record property container provides properties returned when you read or search involved parties. When defining a repository search's return properties, refer to the property names defined in this object.

2 Involved record property container used to set a new involved party's properties.

3 Involved record object property container used to update or clear an involved party's properties.

Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvolved object.