InvoiceRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Adjust an invoice on the header level. |
Deletes an invoice record. |
Creates an invoice record. |
Posts an invoice record. |
Read active approvals for an invoice. |
Read completed approvals for an invoice. |
Reads and returns an invoice record. Specified invoice properties are returned with the record. |
Read all pending invoice approvals that are pending on post. |
Searches for invoice records that meet a given search criteria. Specified invoice properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Read recently viewed invoices. |
Updates an invoice record. Specified invoice properties are updated. |
Voids an invoice record. |
InvoiceRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
adjustmentMethod |
An enumeration used to identify the way an invoice summary is adjusted. Options include: •REDUCE_BY_AMOUNT •REDUCE_BY_PERCENT •NEW_AMOUNT Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcHeaderAdjustment object. |
currencyItem |
See currencyItem. |
1 invoiceAdjustment 2 invoiceAdjustmentCreate 3 invoiceAdjustmentUpdate |
All three objects are used to work with invoice summary adjustments within invoice records. 1 Invoice summary adjustment object property container returned when you read or search invoices. 2 Invoice summary adjustment object property container used to set properties for an invoice. 3 Invoice summary adjustment object property container used to update an invoice. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcHeaderAdjustment object. |
invoiceAdjustmentTarget |
An enumeration used to identify which property of the invoice summary to adjust. Options include: •TOTAL_FEES •TOTAL_EXPENSES •TOTAL_INVOICE |
1 Invoice record property container returned when you read or search invoices. 2 Invoice record property container used to set a new invoice's properties. This object is passed as a request parameter when you create (insert) an invoice. 3 Invoice record property container used to update or clear an invoice's properties. This object is passed as a request parameter when you update an invoice. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvoice object. |
invoiceNonUSTax |
Invoice Non-US Taxes object property container returned when you read or search invoices. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned object, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvoice object. |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to an invoice's Non-US Tax category. Note: An invoice can have multiple Non-US Tax amounts. |
invoicePostingStatus |
An enumeration used to track whether a finance record has posted to an account. Typically in an application, you would read or search by this object's value. You would not explicitly set a invoice's posting status. Options include: •NOT_SUBMITTED •POSTED •FAILED •REJECTED |
1 lineItemAdjustment 2 lineItemAdjustmentCreate 3 lineItemAdjustmentUpdate |
All three objects are used to work with invoice line item adjustments within invoice records. 1 Line item adjustment object property container returned when you read or search invoices. 2 Line item adjustment object property container used to set properties for an invoice line item adjustment. 3 Line item adjustment object property container set properties for an invoice line item adjustment. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcLineItem object. |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a line item adjustment reason. This class corresponds to the options defined by the TeamConnect system lookup table, Invoice Rejection Reason. |
lineItemAdjustmentTarget |
An enumeration that identifies the line item property to adjust. Options include: •RATE •QUANTITY •DISCOUNT •TOTAL |
1 Line Item record property container returned when you read or search invoices. 2 Line Item record property container used to create a line item and add it to an invoice. 3 Line Item record property container used to update a line item. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcLineItem object. |
lineItemType |
An enumeration that sets the line item type. Options include: •EXPENSE •FEE |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a invoice line item task activity option. This class corresponds to options defined in the TeamConnect system lookup table, Activity Item. |