To maximize performance, methods to update type classes (TeamConnect records) and read type classes (TeamConnect records) allow you to specify the properties you want to update or read.
When you update a type class (TeamConnect record) using a Web Service, you identify the record to update by passing its unique key. The update request only updates your specified properties. Unlike a record update made by a TeamConnect rule, the record does not need to be retrieved first in order to change a property. This feature offers better performance through fewer HTTP requests and smaller data packets.
When you read a type class (TeamConnect record) using a Web Service, you must specify which properties to return. Only the specified property values are returned with a corresponding object. This feature improves performance through smaller data packets.
Note: When a record is read by a TeamConnect rule, the returned object includes all of its property values.
Important: When reading records, any properties you do not include in the List<String> properties parameter may be returned with a null or 0 (zero) value. For example, if you are reading a contact record and specify three property values to return out of 24 properties available, then the remaining 21 properties will be returned with either null or 0 values. Note that you should ignore the null and 0 values for properties you did not explicitly retrieve.