Before you begin, you should understand that each TeamConnect object type is associated with a repository class (for example, ContactRepository). Methods are provided per repository for common TeamConnect functions. For example:
•insertContact (ContactCreate contact)
•updateContact (ContactUpdate contact)
•readContact (String uniqueKey, List properties)
•readContactsByCriteria (SearchCriteria criteria, Int limit, List properties)
•deleteContact (String uniqueKey)
Note: For a list of available properties that can be retrieved per record, see the elements listed in the original types.xsd file under the webservices directory. For example, the complexTypes, person, has a list of elements whose names are available properties to read or search from TeamConnect .
One HTTP request results from each repository class call. However, there are multiple subclasses associated with each TeamConnect object type (or repository class) that you use to store data (such as field values) when inserting (creating), updating, reading, or deleting TeamConnect records.
In a client program you instantiate a repository class once but you can use that repository instance multiple times to work with multiple records. You use the type classes or record unique keys as parameters to identify which record you are working with per request.