The Budgets page of matter records displays budget information from the accounts related to the matter. You can customize the information that is displayed on this page.

Matter Budgets Page
Budgets Page Sections and Field Descriptions
The following tables describe the sections and fields on the Budgets page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings, assigned rights, the budgeting preferences set by your administrator.
Total Current Budgeted
The total value of all budgeted amounts. If the Life of Matter Estimate setting is enabled, this field will also display a percentage value representing how much of the Life of Matter Estimate the Total Current Budgeted value accounts for.
Current Budgeted Remaining
The difference between the total budgeted amount for the matter and the total of all items in the Actuals column.
Total Budgeted - Total Actuals = Current Budgeted Remaining
Life of Matter Estimate
Estimated budget amount for the duration of this matter.
This field is editable, and only appears if the Life of Matter Estimate setting is enabled. Click the Edit icon to adjust this value.
Total Spend to Date
Total spent on the matter to date.
If this amount is equal to or greater than the total estimate, an alert icon appears.
Total Pending
The total value of all standard invoices for the matter in workflow.
Total Not Budgeted
The difference between the Life of Matter Estimate and the Total Current Budgeted, as well as the percentage value representing how much of the Life of Matter Estimate the Total Not Budgeted value accounts for. This field only appears if the Life of Matter Estimate setting is enabled.
Column or Field
The name of the budget parameter that the amounts correspond to. The Name field can be a fee or expense code, a vendor code, month, quarter, or fiscal year. The amounts in the other columns "roll up" according to the budget parameter hierarchies.
The amount currently allocated for each account.
The amount used by each account to date.
This amount only includes expenditures that have been posted through tasks, invoices or expenses. It does not include invoices that are pending approval, voided or rejected.
The amount posted against budgets through accrual invoices.
Accruals count as spend, which affects the Remaining, % Used, Total Spend to Date, and Current Budgeted Remaining values.
With the Enable Accrual Reversals setting enabled, posting a standard invoice will first reduce the amount of the accrual invoice.
With the Enable Accrual Reversals setting disabled, posting a standard invoice does not affect the Accruals amount. As a result, the Accruals and Actuals values combine as spend.
The amount of each budget that has not yet been used.
Budgeted - Actuals = Remaining
Note: If this field reaches 0 or below, a warning icon appears.
% Used
The percentage of the current budget that has been used.
Actuals / Budgeted = % Used
Note: If this field reaches 100% or above, a warning icon appears.
Customizing the Budget Information table
The Budget Information table's data can be customized by rearranging or hiding data columns. You can also filter the rows that display in the Budget Information table by the following parameters: fiscal year, quarter, and vendor. These steps can be performed on the Budgets page of any appropriate matter record, including the read-only Budgets page of invoice records.
1.Search for the appropriate matter record and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Budgets link. The Budgets page opens.
3.Rearrange, resize, or hide columns in the Budget Information table by following the corresponding steps: oTo rearrange columns, click and drag a column by its title text to the position you want, then release the mouse button. oTo resize columns, move your cursor to the divider between the columns, then click and drag the column divider to your desired size. oTo hide columns, right-click in the title row to bring up a list of columns. Clear the check-boxes for any columns you do not want to display. Select the corresponding check-boxes to make columns appear. |
1.Search for the appropriate matter record and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Budgets link. The Budgets page opens.
3.Click the Filter Settings button. The filter fields appear: Fiscal Year Filter, Quarter Filter, Vendor Filter, and Line Item Code Filter. 4.Click inside one of the filter text fields. A list of existing parameters of that type will appear. Click a parameter to add it to the filter. You can also type in the filter text fields. As you enter text, the relevant matching parameters will appear. Press Enter or click on the parameter to add it to the filter.
Parameters that are added to the filter fields are applied immediately to the Budget Information table.
5.To remove a parameter from the filter, click the X next to the parameter in the filter text fields. |