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The following budgets are created per matter record:

Internal Expenses

Internal Tasks





Phase and Task Codes (Fees & Expenses)

Note: Depending on Budget Settings, set by the TeamConnect Budget Settings and Fiscal Year administrator, some budget types may not display.

Budget Categories

When you create a budget for a matter, the program directs any posted invoice fees and expenses, as well as TeamConnect Legal object fees and expenses, into various budget categories.

Task and Expense categories are created and edited by your TeamConnect administrator. For more information, see Adding Object Categories.

The following table shows the flow of funds from the actual fund source to the standard budget categories.

Post the following

Posted to the _____ Budget

Invoice Fees

Phase and Task Code Fees*

Phase and Task Code Fees Budget

Invoice Expenses

Phase and Task Code Expenses

Phase and Task Code Expenses Budget

Internal Task Objects

Internal Tasks

Internal Fees Budget

Internal Expense Objects

Internal Expenses

Internal Expense Budget

*TeamConnect Legal Matter Management contains the full suite of UTBMS codes.